Agreement Between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Paraguay Concerning a Study of the Utilization of the Water Power of the Apipe Falls
Signed at Buenos Aires, 23 January 1958
The Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay,
Considering the possibility of obtaining hydro-electric energy from the rapids in the River Paraná at the islands of Yacyretá and Apipé;
Convinced of the need for loyal international co-operation to make technical surveys on the possible utilization of this source of energy, and
Taking into account the fact that joint action in a new field of activity will promote closer ties and economic links and will strengthen the friendship between the two nations,
Have decided to conclude this Agreement creating a Joint Argentine-Paraguayan Technical Commission for the utilization of the water-power from and the improvement of the navigability of the River Paraná at the islands of Yacyretá and Apipé ...
Article I
The object of this Agreement is the making of a study by a Joint Argentine-Paraguayan Technical Commission of the utilization of the water-power of the river Paraná at the islands of Yacyretá and Apipé and, in addition, of the improvement of the navigability of the said river.
Surveys shall also cover other advantageous uses of the waters of the Paraná and possibly the improvement of communications between the two countries through the works to be carried out.
Article II
This Agreement establishes a Joint Argentine-Paraguayan Technical Commission, composed of two representatives, one from each party, and such advisers as may be considered necessary for the accomplishment of their task. 3
The surveys to be made shall consist principally of:
(a) Exploration and inspection of the above-mentioned region, determining all the technical characteristics of the waters which are relevant to hydraulic utilization.
(b) A hydrographic and hydrological survey of the River Paraná in the said region.
(c) A geological and hydrological survey of the said region.
(d) A plan of the works needed for hydraulic utilization, including cost estimates.
(e) A survey of the possibilities for financing the proposed projects.
(f) A survey of the possible consumption of electric power in the region and of the possible costs.
Article III
All surveys made by the Joint Argentine-Paraguayan Technical Commission shall be at the disposal of both Contracting Parties.
The investigations and surveys made shall not affect or interrupt those being made by the technical agencies of both countries.
Article IV
The representatives and advisers and the technical personnel employed by the Joint Argentine-Paraguayan Technical Commission who are engaged in some work or survey shall have the right to travel freely in the said region and enter the territory of the other Contracting Party, bringing their instruments and other working tools.
They shall also enjoy all facilities for the accomplishment of their task.
Article V
A period or two years is fixed for the completion of all the surveys mentioned in this Agreement and for the submission by the Joint Argentine-Paraguayan Technical Commission to both Governments of its final report, giving a general description of the works, the advantages accruing therefrom, and the methods of carrying out any projects recommended, the execution of the work and the financing plan to be adopted.
Article VI
The Joint Commission shall draw up a work plan and request from both Governments equal contributions towards the funds needed for the execution of the work plan.
1 Entered into force on 16 June 1958.
2 Text provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Public Worship of the
Argentine Republic (Translated from Spanish by United Nations Secretariat).
3 Following the exchange of views which took place between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay and the Special Mission of the Government of the Argentine Republic at Astinción, it was agreed on 26 September 1960, that:
"Considering that the Government of the Republic of Paraguay has appointed its representative to the Joint Paraguayan-Argentine Technical Commission for the study of the utilization of the water-power of the Apipe falls, and that the Argentine delegation has likewise been appointed, it is decided that the above mentioned Joint Technical Commission shall commence its work in the city of Buenos Aires during the second half of the month of October of this year." [Joint Paraguayan-Argentine Communique on 26 September 1960, text provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Public Worship of the Argentine Republic.]